Two Crazy Stories about Liberal MP’s + Bill Morneau is Really Rich!

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Ethics Breach, LPC

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Not a Subsidy – McCain are the largest shareholder of Maple Leaf (88%). Maple Leaf Owns the Halal meats. My apologies for any confusion.

Mr. Grewal
Gambled more than 10,000 dollars per day
Stepped down from his seat
Under investigation by ethics commissioner for bringing Yusuf Yenilmez – Chief Exec of ZGemi to an event during the India trip
Ahmed Hussen is on Yusuf’s Twitter picture?
Grewal gambled ‘millions of dollars in total’ – no number? Isn’t this usually a sign of money laundering?
How did he get millions of dollars?

Mercedes Stephenson Tweets about Standing Committee

Yusuf Yenilmez Twitter

Ethics Violation Investigation

Bill Morneau + Wife

Bill Morneau Wikipedia

Global News Maple Leaf

Not a Subsidy – They are the largest shareholder of Maple Leaf (88%). My apologies.