449 – Airports and Lockdowns Don’t Mix, Unintended Consequences of Lockdown, Vaccine Injury and More

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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448 – Lockdowns in Italy and Ontario, Pandemic Profiteering at Elderly Care Homes and “Green”?

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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447 – Merry Christmas and God Bless Us, Everyone

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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446 – It Only Works in 7% of the Cases, Canada’s Hesitation to Act, Vaccine Experimentation and More

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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445 – The Ontario Prison Experiment (Modeled on the Stanford experiment)

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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444 – LOCKDOWN #2 and The Longest Show Ever Looks at PCR Tests, Treatments and Why No Other Options?

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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443 – New Lockdowns, Asymptomatic Spread is Debunked, Travel Restrictions, School Closures and More

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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442 – Lockdowns Don’t Work, Chinese Targets for Diplomatic Access, Freedom Protests and More

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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441 – Police Overreaction, Snitch Lines, Moved Goal Posts, Tory Fury and Chinese Infiltration

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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440 – Court Dates, Emergency Meetings, Flawed Tests, Faulty Death Numbers, But Further Lockdowns?

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

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