9 Days Left Until Trudeau Signs – Yellow Jacket Protests –

CanadaPoliCanadian Immigration, Censorship, Global Compact on Migration, People's Party of Canada, PPC

Supporting Links Trudeau Tweet Hey @Trevornoah – thanks for everything you’re doing to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s legacy at the @GlblCtzn festival. Sorry I can’t be with you – but how about Canada pledges $50M to @EduCannotWait to support education for women & girls around the world? Work for you? Let’s do it. — Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) December 2, 2018 Maxime …

How Many Ways Can Trudeau Insult His Base in One Minute? More Than You’d Think

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, LPC

Supporting Links Maxime Bernier Peoples Party of Canada holding rally in Saskatoon. Here is a look at the crowd. #yxe #skpoli #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/VmHElr1gdG — Matt Young (@MattYoungCTV) November 30, 2018 Trudeau on Female Entrepreneurs https://twitter.com/manny_ottawa/status/1068320616686579712 USMCA Signing Picture https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/47126103_2145077272178750_3141555632545464320_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.xx&oh=01ca3d4a757565ab8100113f615f4dee&oe=5C70F7C4 Trudeau calling Trump ‘Donald’ while demanding steel and aluminum tariffs be repealed https://twitter.com/FlipItRed/status/1068507650009161728 Error happened.

Maxime Bernier Unloads on “Propaganda” Global Compact on Migration And More!

CanadaPoliCalgary, Canada Politics, CPC, People's Party of Canada, PPC, United Nations

Supporting Links Maxime Bernier on Global Compact on Migration There is now coordinated propaganda across the world to make us believe that mass migration is a normal thing that is beneficial to all. The Global Compact on Migration even has its own international film festival. Be “inspired.” Be “transformed…” https://t.co/vKJD09T7MP — Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) November 28, 2018 More Evidence of …

What is Justin Trudeau Up To Today?

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

Supporting Links Oil Sands costing Billions https://outline.com/rCLpRv CBC about Oilsands workers https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/oil-workers-alberta-recession-alberta-job-opportunties-1.4637015 Oshawa Plant Closing https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-gm-oshawa-plant-closing-explainer/ Morneau interview (not shown) Today @Bill_Morneau said “this isn’t an Alberta problem, this is a Canada problem.” Now watch this interview about #TransMountain Why did they threaten Saskatchewan but let B.C. off the hook? “… it doesn’t seem to me there’s any logical consistency…” …

Two Crazy Stories about Liberal MP’s + Bill Morneau is Really Rich!

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Ethics Breach, LPC

Supporting Links Not a Subsidy – McCain are the largest shareholder of Maple Leaf (88%). Maple Leaf Owns the Halal meats. My apologies for any confusion. Mr. Grewal Gambled more than 10,000 dollars per day Stepped down from his seat Under investigation by ethics commissioner for bringing Yusuf Yenilmez – Chief Exec of ZGemi to an event during the India …

An In Depth Look At Scheer and O’Leary at Ryerson – November 26 2018


Supporting Links O’leary introduces Scheer. Says it’s a matter of saving the country. https://www.facebook.com/AndrewScheerMP/videos/521459918628576/ Trump 8min for free trade 3:57 – Scheer starts talking 5:00 – 9 months to respond to Trump’s policy changes What are you doing to make sure people are choosing canada – we’ll assess – it took 9 months He doesn’t relate it to the regular …

Statements By Scheer and Bernier on Oshawa Plant Closure – Stylistic Differences

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, CPC, PPC

Supporting Links Oshawa Plant Closing https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/general-motors-closure-oshawa-assembly-plant-1.4920438 2015 Article about 2009 auto bailout costing taxpayers 3.5 billion https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/canadian-taxpayers-lose-35-billion-on-2009-bailout-of-auto-firms/article23828543/ Bernier’s Statement 1/ I don’t know if GM’s decision was inevitable or not. I do know that:-No point giving $B to GM, Bombardier etc. when they rationalize their operations anyway-Lib gov was unable to get rid of US tariffs on aluminum and steel …

Should Multi-National NGO’s Be Able to “Fill In The Gaps” for Spaces into Canada?

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Canadian Immigration

Supporting Links Peter Thiel in 1996 – Worth the watch! 2:28 – West is uniquely bad, because it is racist sexist and oppressive in a variety of ways, not only does it have all these problems, but these problems are worse than in other societies 4:45 – looking for racism everywhere, you’ll find racism everywhere 5:00 – a culture of …