Here is a first hand account from a resident of North Bay. This is what’s going on on the ground in northern Ontario as of September 7/23.
Hey Mark, sorry I can’t send any links or screenshots. My device is old. Anyway, just wanted to let you know something is brewing in North Bay Ontario/Canadore College re: international students and housing. I’ve been seeing threads that apparently there are a slew of these students arriving at Canadore college only to be told there is no housing available. They are seen sleeping at bus stops & terminals with their luggage and pulling suitcases around town, crying and begging for help finding a place to stay. Sounds like some housing groups and property management groups are getting inundated with calls, and are demanding to know why Canadore is accepting these students in the first place when Canadore was already warned by these housing groups that North Bay has no available housing. Looks like a shit show about to begin. Saw all this on FB. The “mom groups”. They are all feeling bleeding heart over it. They now all want to help and say everyone should give up their spare rooms. ���♀️
Latest I’ve heard is the students organized a protest at the college. They were told “not to worry, housing will be found.”Then they were kicked off the property and now have tents set up just off Canadore property. Apparently, as an example, some are paying $17000 for a PSW course that a “Canadian” kid would pay $4000 for. And if they can’t find housing and want a refund to go home, they are only given $2000 tuition back. After 10 days, they lose their total tuition. They were apparently literally cold knocking on people’s doors asking for any spare rooms available! Crazy town is right! Local info on