Elizabeth May Gives Us More Time and Ontario Minister Talks ‘Irregular’ Border Crossers

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Australian Snow

Elizabeth May Walks it back

Minister talking about ‘irregular’ border crossers

1:29 – hundreds of millions of dollars

2:00 Education alone – 64 million dollars

Legal aid – 30-40% of legal aid for immigration in Ontario has been paid back

2:45 – 25% on Social services

Draggin out hearings between 20 – 24 months
3:09 – spoken to bill blair?

Federal responsibility
3:14 – Only been in this file for 5 weeks – first call made was to him.

Do more for these folks, but border is a federal responsibility, need more order at the border. Really is lacking right now. Border is open

Declous – Quebec counterpart

4:15 – ability to accomodate people?

Provinces are carrying a lot of this load, individual municipalities are seeing a strain on their housing…

197 homeless in windsor