Michelle Rempel Talks Global Compact on Migration and Other Immigration

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Canadian Immigration, Illegal border crossers, People's Party of Canada, PPC


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:23 – 3 issues people have been emailing about

1:33 – 2 min first order of responsibility of the canadian government is to bring these people to justice? Really what the hell is the canadian government’s job according to you, Michelle?

Isn’t the government’s responsibility to the safety of their population?

5:01 – CPC Canada is sovereign – have you read the compact on refugees?

6:11 – canada needs to do more to ensure immigration is sovereign – how? Look internally at home to strengthen that at home.
6:47 – Ensure economic migration is linked to
7:05 – many canadians need jobs
7:30 – illegal border crossers
8:00 – integration is important (what about BC)
8:20 – values we all hold near and dear – to preserve the pluralism we hold near and dear – hm?
8:39 – illegals and using canadian social assistance. Again – needs to stop but take a position on it
8:57 – this is not a legally binding agreement. So not a problem, so we’re going to ignore it.

Hi Michelle! You blocked me on twitter for asking why your government is offering a path to citizenship for illegal border crossers. Can you clarify your position on that, or will you just remove this comment?

At 5:30 you start talking about the global compact on Migration, you spend less than a min on it . You say economic migrants should be tied to Canada’s needs. These are the same economic migrants who do not qualify for status in Canada, right? Those are the people you’re talking about? Why not deport them? They do not belong in Canada, they do not have a claim. Why are you muddying the waters by talking about Yizidi’s. Can we get control of our borders?

7:15 – ‘while acknowledging there are many Canadians who are out of work and need jobs’ – so how does the CPC immigration policy address this GIANT contradiction? We a) understand natural born Canadians who are here now are out of work and need support / help to find jobs 2) we should bring economic migrants to Canada who will fill job needs in Canada – Do you see how people can’t take the CPC seriously? I’ll be screen capping this comment and putting it on my youtube video about your Video, Michelle. Will you delete?? I think you will!

7:52 – integration – what about BC?

9:02 – You say the Global compact is not a binding agreement, so your party is going to just ignore it? What a silly strategy. Have you seen the Hungarian minister speak about this subject? 1:15 on this video has the Hungarian immigration minister speaking specifically about how this is legally non-binding and how national will be punished if this is passed and they are not signed on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKtFlAwPeIk – what’s your opinion on this?

You know Michelle, Canada needs your help. You need to start looking into the Global compact on migration and realize that the UN is undermining our sovereignty. If Canada signs this compact it will make our refugee situation much much worse and your papering over it by saying ‘yeah, it’s non binding’ is NOT NEARLY good enough. The Hungarian minister understands how insidious this is. How evil this plan is. The UN is trying to wipe out the west, and anyone not standing to stop it is complicit in it.