The Global Compact on Refugees – A Look at The First 17 Pages

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Canadian Immigration, Illegal border crossers

Supporting Links

Cost – Yello

P. 1 – The gap between needs and funding has widened.

Trump on Refugees

Can’t have it both ways! On cost! Why aren’t these frontline countries, who share the religion and culture of their neighbour, lining up to get that 63 billion in economic benefit? WHY? It defies reason!

7. Objectives of the compact

15. Very nice sounding language with nothing at all measurable in there. How much will it cost to support the search for solutions? How much is equitable burden sharing?

17. References paragran 7.
ease pressures on host
enhance refugee self reliance
expand access to third country solutions
support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity

19. Formal pledges and contributions.

23. Support Platform, functions would include:

24. It Costs SO Much!!!

32 – resources will be made available to countries ….large scale refugee situations

Development coop – over and above regular development assistance.

40 – Civil organizations to help with assessing community strengths and needs etc ?
42. – Public private partnership, more money
44 – make sure they have sport and cultural facilities where you’re hosting your invaders. I mean refugees.

68 – host nations will get kids in schools by up to 3 months after arrival.
69 – support for expanding educational facilities, including teachers, facilites themselves and special help for special needs students?

70 – contribute resources and expertise to promote economic opportunities decent work etc. for refugees.

71 – Women, minories and youth – where are the women and youth? I’ve seen the pictures of the european migrants. these are fighting aged men.

Population – Green

100 Million by 2020

Sovereignty – blue

Trump / US out – Sovereignty and borders

Hungary – out, sovereignty and borders

Australia out

-Failed to make clear the difference between refugees and migrants / etc


5. Point out every time the compact calls for putting political pressure. It happens a lot

P. 33 – Primary responsibility and sovereignty of states

p . 41 0- faith based actors could help

Safety – Red

9 – 2030 Agenda reference

P 34

P.56 – protect refugees and their human rights while safeguarding national security.
P. 57 – gender based violent, protect against gangs, id potential gang members as early as possible

P58 – digitization of registration by age / sex etc. sounds like a shopping list.

59 – addressing specific needs (all still associated with these 2 articles


UN Compac on Refugees

New York Declaration

My Earlier Video on THis