Tom Quiggin Video about Andrew Scheer – Gondola Vandalism and More

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Quiggin – Scheer Imam Video

Scheer’s Imam meeting
0:00 – Islamophobia question / cut weird.

Reject fear mongering and hate mongering

2:03 – Disassociate yourself from nationalistic groups, yellow jackets, faith goldy etc

Faith goldy, ‘other elements’
2:20 – You always know when you’ve won an argument with a liberal,when they start hurling those personal insults.because they have nothing else to hurt you with

3:11 – very real elements in our society that need to be pushed out of the mainstream Canadian conversation in our society

3:48 – we will completely dissociate, they’re not welcome, have no place in our party.

When we heard from Harper – ‘Islamicism or barbaric cultural practices’

4:45 – difficult to rebuild trust when it’s lost.

Gondola Cable

Drag Queen Story Time twerking