15 seconds
15 seconds
Trudeau’s argument for Johnston is that he has integrity. No one cares about his integrity when he’s compromised,
Building homes in Canada in the face of massive immigration,
Trump Russia – dueling indictments,
Loud speakers in Quebec dispersing protests,
It was never bat soup, it was always racoon dogs?
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I love how Liberals have just gone full Trump on the media. Has anyone refuted a single fact, or offered any evidence, any at all, that contradicts the stories in the Globe? Or is it all’s jus twisting words and ad hominem attacks? https://t.co/I8rb4hF5zp
— Carson Jerema (@CarsonJerema) March 17, 2023
"It's Justin Trudeau that is hurting Canadians' faith in democracy": Pierre Poilievre accuses the PM of "covering up" allegations of Chinese election interference says he put 'special rapporteur' David Johnston in this "terrible situation.https://t.co/odt7BBkbKO pic.twitter.com/ACD9sydqXJ
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) March 17, 2023
“I blew the whistle on Chinese interference in Canada’s elections.
My decision to reveal secret and top-secret intelligence documents to The Globe and Mail did not come easily. Here is why I did so, all the same.”https://t.co/Wb0hA7NxjM pic.twitter.com/SVRcaDqKUh
— The Globe and Mail (@globeandmail) March 17, 2023
With all due respect to the Whistleblower (and Canada owes this person dearly), if this PM knew what was going on and turned a blind eye because his party was benefiting from Chinese interference, he is 100% complicit in what was going on should be up criminal charges. https://t.co/Q2hfr11B37
— MarcPatroneShow. “Hit em hard, hit em often” (@MarcPatrone) March 17, 2023
Let’s not forget :
A patriot within CSIS saw a great enough threat to Canadian sovereignty to risk his/her job, pension and jail-time to warn Canadians of espionage & potentially ‘treason’ at the highest levels of government
— Zero_Fox_7 (@ZeroFox07) March 17, 2023
As the Trudeau Govt’ appointed Debate Commissioner, David Johnston appointed WE Charity’s Keilburger to the debate commission and allowed a host from CBC, who sued the Conservative Party, to moderate the “fair” leaders debate.
What are the odds he concludes there doesn’t need… https://t.co/CRoxUBxI3d
— Jenni Byrne (@Jenni_Byrne) March 15, 2023
"It is Justin Trudeau that has put Mr. Johnston in this terrible situation: by naming a member of the China-financed Trudeau Foundation to perform this role," Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says when asked about his reaction to PM's special rapporteur selection. #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/465qSh871e
— CPAC (@CPAC_TV) March 17, 2023
There is one person who could serve the public interest with a few choice words and put a damper on all this nonsense. https://t.co/rMUgA3ywVv
— Gerald Butts (@gmbutts) March 17, 2023
Oh no, I totally get it. It should be a public inquiry, it’s ridiculously obvious.
The point you & others seem to be missing is that this was an intentional move by the PM & PMO to change focus from Trudeau & the scandal & make it about CPC attacking an honourable man’s… https://t.co/Lc7PFmI0at
— John Thomson (@JohnThomsonSK) March 18, 2023
David Johnston will help to craft his own mandate for election interference probe https://t.co/BWXArHDxdc pic.twitter.com/efIA5PIrCP
— CTV News (@CTVNews) March 17, 2023
It’s @JustinTrudeau who should be ashamed to have put an honourable man in this position. He knew Johnston was conflicted, from his friendship with his family to his past support of #confuciusinstitutes
He professes outrage while using the man as political cover. Appalling. https://t.co/mGNiXlFlIt— Tasha Kheiriddin (@TashaKheiriddin) March 17, 2023
Comrade purposely appoints a compromised friend and attacks others for speaking up. His acting skills are in full display.
— Ann Rolle (@AnnRolle_) March 17, 2023
The general run of many responses seems to be: Johnston is a man of unimpeachable integrity. Therefore conflict of interest questions do not apply.
Uh, no. The rule is not: avoid conflicts of interest unless you are an extremely good man. It's: avoid conflicts of interest.— Andrew Coyne
(@acoyne) March 17, 2023
Bloc leader:
I have to wonder what the Americans are thinking in private about their Canadian allies to the North getting their election process compromised by China. This weakness by the Trudeau government surely doesn't please them. Why filibuster if they have nothing to hide. pic.twitter.com/QfO6aLMW7j
— Mr. Surveillance
(@surveilz) March 16, 2023
Still can't believe that Trudeau would appoint a family friend and member of his family's Foundation – which was used to launder Beijing funds to support Liberal candidates – and there are people who would line up to defend it.
— HoCStaffer (@HoCStaffer) March 17, 2023
Justin Trudeau just said that Pierre Poilievre is hoping by attacking our institutions with a flamethrower maybe he’s going to be able to win.
What do you think about this statement? pic.twitter.com/YPuK2BeKqL
— Rob Primo (@therobprimo1) March 17, 2023
Desperate tyrant whose biggest fear is truth… https://t.co/gJwEwHkdx9
— Rex Glacer (@rexglacer) March 17, 2023
The divider in chief at it again. Because another party has concerns over his partisan choice as rapporteur, well obviously they don’t want to get to the truth of election interference. I loathe this man. He is making up crap as he goes & he is gaslighting Canadians. pic.twitter.com/QTeu2CYZRT
— Ryan Gerritsen
(@ryangerritsen) March 17, 2023
Grocery chain CEO we're recently summoned to committee.
Why does Trudeau's chief of staff get a pass.
You want to hide the evidence of election interference.?
How much is Trudeau or the Liberal party paying you.?— Real
(@JrGellein) March 18, 2023
"Political staffers shouldn’t be summoned to committee"
Except when it helps the Liberal narrative, right @Journo_Dale?https://t.co/tSJkJrDOFi
— Mr. Surveillance
(@surveilz) March 17, 2023
That person is Trudeau, who could call off the filibusters and answer simple questions about what the Liberals knew about Beijing election meddling and when, but I suppose that’s a matter of perspective https://t.co/wllc3DM1P3
— Robyn Urback (@RobynUrback) March 17, 2023
notice no denial, just insulted
— Alberta-Leonidas (@AlbertaLeonidas) March 17, 2023
2. Money and Media. Note Phoenix TV in BC with connections to top United Front Work Department targets for the RCMP. Phoenix seeks interviews with party leaders and this is where interesting framing of campaign policy seems to occur. pic.twitter.com/PejcFU6WkC
— Sam Cooper (@scoopercooper) March 17, 2023
If you're worried about walking downtown, police say you shouldn't carry pepper spray or a knife as it's illegal. And they say you may want to set the electronics aside. pic.twitter.com/FJR329l4Al
— Global Winnipeg (@globalwinnipeg) March 17, 2023
Don't pretend you know more than energy companies about building a business case.
Canadians deserve thoughtful debate on economic strategy, not knee-jerk reactions from a career politician.
Oh and btw – we approved an LNG project this week
https://t.co/EKDPnEcUeE#cdnpoli https://t.co/yjvvSEk6Ft
— Jonathan Wilkinson
(@JonathanWNV) March 17, 2023
The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project costs are now expected to reach $30.9B.
That's an increase from the $21.6B announced in February of 2022, which was a 70% jump from original project costs. #TMX #TransMountainhttps://t.co/Rn2QrxTrD6— Tara Weber (@TaraNWeber) March 10, 2023
Pierre Poilievre held a rally in Elizabeth May’s riding on Vancouver Island.
They had to get an actual hanger just to fit everyone! #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/C5vPsLzkwW
— Angelo Isidorou (@angeloisidorou) March 17, 2023
Canadian Human Rights Commission violated Canadian human rights of employees of Canadian Human Rights Commission. As a result, Canadian Human Rights Commission Commissioners directed to improve knowledge of Canadian human rights https://t.co/h2cPxMKd2c
— Jonathan Kay (@jonkay) March 17, 2023
Drag queen story hours are a way to normalize radical gender ideology. We must protect our children. pic.twitter.com/Abuqm3EMYh
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) March 17, 2023
Yesterday, our government passed the Saskatchewan First Act which is a major step in defending our economic potential from federal overreach.
We will always do what is in the best interest of Saskatchewan people and the opportunity that lies before us.
[1/2] pic.twitter.com/czUiMsUfBy— Scott Moe (@PremierScottMoe) March 17, 2023
Don't worry, everyone.
Justin Trudeau will make Canada safe from the Flat Earthers who endanger us.
— Anti-Grifter (@colossusPhD) March 17, 2023
The drop in your stomach from after digesting the last paragraph really makes you feel like the warning at the top isn't enough.
Holy. Smoke.
I hope this assessment is wrong. pic.twitter.com/xjoJzgsU4R
— CanadaPoli (@CanadaPoli2) March 17, 2023
The Fed has lost control…the bond market has spoken. It has gone from worrying about inflation to worrying about deflation. The establishment will respond with a consolidation of the banks via bailouts and ultimately a CBDC. Social unrest will follow. pic.twitter.com/JmaMXm9oOo
— Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) March 17, 2023
How Are We Doing With The 1.5M New Homes Politicians Promised?
We're Totally SCREWED
First of all, it was always a lie
Whether it's Federal Leaders / Provincial Leaders the promise of the legendary additional 1.5M homes needed to fix Housing Supply was a only a slogan
— Ron Butler (@ronmortgageguy) March 17, 2023
The Ayatollah Trudeau announced today that he is going to spend billions ( of our money) to build 1.5 million affordable homes in 2 years to keep up with millions of immigrants coming to Canada. Affordable means us taxpayers will be chipping in for them.
— Kerrybehave (@kerrybehave) March 17, 2023
Today, Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau and Minister @HonAhmedHussen launched the $4 billion dollar federal Housing Accelerator Fund.
This fund will build 100,000 new homes across Canada, and I talked with Mayor @AmarjeetSohiYEG about how this help housing projects in #Edmonton. pic.twitter.com/4W7iu097Nk
— Randy Boissonnault
(@R_Boissonnault) March 17, 2023
Pierre, why won't you go after the root cause? Your failure to say you will regulate the immigration rate is so disappointing. https://t.co/8oBqjzms1q
— Rapporturd (@rapporturd) March 17, 2023
The 2-year yield has plunged more than 100 bps in a week and a half.
These kinds of stories typically follow.
(Bloomberg) — Veteran macro trader Adam Levinson is shutting down his hedge fund after being hit by losses amid ongoing bond market volatility.
Levinson’s… https://t.co/y4rMuD3I7D pic.twitter.com/TtbO5XCG5Y
— Jim Bianco biancoresearch.eth (@biancoresearch) March 17, 2023
The tender for a contractor to monitor Canadians' online conversations for "Vaccination Confidence," first posted on December 22, was killed this week after public outcry.https://t.co/ox0hLnt2ZZ
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) March 17, 2023
Is anyone in the Niagara region noticing these surveillance cameras going up on poles?
Is this happening in other cities? pic.twitter.com/Bz11JscYLn— Brian&Carolyn (@BrianCarolyn3) March 17, 2023
This happed in Russia today
Oh wait no it's #Canada #Montreal peaceful protest against #15minutecity#RCMPsuck#RCMP #Montrealpolice #TrudeauBrokeCanada pic.twitter.com/mHdcTWh6L9— Len
(@LenHarris44) March 17, 2023
.@YouTube have taken down the speech I gave in Parliament today. I am an elected member of the UK Parliament. The speech was given in the Chamber of the House of Commons and responded to by a Government Minister, what chance has anyone else got of putting their views on YouTube? pic.twitter.com/mJWFuVaOhy
— Andrew Bridgen (@ABridgen) March 17, 2023
Those pesky raccoon dogs!
Was this article written by China, or some Special Rapporteur?!?
— MM – Canadian Freedom Fighter (@mamorris777) March 18, 2023
It's coming out finally
Daily Express have started the ball rolling https://t.co/0ZMOaubiO8
— Debra Scott (@DebandezScott) March 17, 2023
The data is clear. The risks of the ‘vaccines’ outweigh the benefits. pic.twitter.com/IPQtUCiKCw
— Andrew Bridgen (@ABridgen) March 17, 2023
The bat soup story was a little far fetched.
COVID originating with "Racoon Dogs" makes much more sense. pic.twitter.com/XuEoRDMHCy
— PETRIFIED COVID PARENT (@covid_parent) March 17, 2023
Yes you it heard right…
To keep 1 adult in their 50’s out of hospital due to covid, 43,600 people needed to have a booster jab & with an adverse event rate of 1 in 800 that means that 55 people would die or be hospitalised due to a vaccine side effect…’
NOW DO THE MATHS !!! pic.twitter.com/VhizGgLUYe
— Mel
(@Melemlem) March 17, 2023
JUST IN – ICC issues arrest warrant against Putin over war crimes.
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) March 17, 2023
Does the Left not understand this is an Obi Wan Kenobi moment for Trump? He’ll only be stronger after this and his base will be on steroids. . . Like don’t throw me in the briar patch and they’re gonna throw him in the briar patch. . . Hahaha! https://t.co/D6GrWngIV4
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) March 18, 2023
Canada welcomes Türkiye’s decision to move forward with ratifying Finland’s accession to NATO and reiterates the importance of finalizing Sweden’s accession without delay.
— Mélanie Joly (@melaniejoly) March 17, 2023