Me on Rumble on Odyssey on Bitchute on Twitch on Periscope and More! Song Based on Twitter
Podcast Am I?
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism
#cdnPoli, #cadPoli, #LPC, #CPC, #PPC F*ck #Quebec is shutting everything down again
— BeyondOldfashioned (@Karen22912) December 20, 2021
BREAKING: Quebec government is set to CLOSE schools and bars starting tomorrow.
More details to come at the 1 p.m. press conference.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) December 20, 2021
Quebec reported a record 4,571 COVID-19 cases today. Full coverage fromCityNews Montreal
— Richard Southern (@RichardCityNews) December 20, 2021
NEW – Quebec announces that bars, casinos, cinemas, theatres, gyms, and entertainment centres in that province will be closed immediately.
— Richard Southern (@RichardCityNews) December 20, 2021
You want to know the levels of “Trump Derangement syndrome” in Canadian politics? Right-wing extremist Jagmeet Singh associating a Chilean election with a “Trump defeat”. Genuine mental delusions from right-wing extremist @theJagmeetSingh
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) December 21, 2021
Wow, strong opposition by some on City Council to my Motion to freeze councils pay. The Mayor didn't even let it come to the Council floor!
I challenged The Mayor's ruling, however Council voted 9-6 in favour to block my Motion. New raises come in to effect next month.
— Dan McLean (@DanWMcLean) December 20, 2021
These are bills coming down the pipeline for New York State. They all check out. My God be with you all who live in New York.
— Barrington Martin II (@_BarringtonII) December 19, 2021
The Two Faces of Supreme Hypocrite Lil' Castro aka Justin Trudeau
Here's face number 1, regarding his pal Omar and the Charter :
— Dave Nestor (@DaveNestor22) December 20, 2021
@CallawayLong @sunlorrie thx for highlighting. It’s a clip of @JustinTrudeau edited in a way that makes it look like something he was not intending to say. It’s out of context. He was referring to problems with the notwithstanding clause inside the Charter of Rights and freedoms.
— Joe Warmington (@joe_warmington) December 20, 2021
"The mantra 'schools should be the last to close, first to open' was wrong: Schools should NEVER close & masking should be voluntary." -Harvard prof @j_g_allen
With noted lockdowner saying this, we really see how out to lunch
experts & politicians are.
— Mikko Packalen (@MikkoPackalen) December 20, 2021
Please comment here with stories of how your children suffered in the first two school cancellations: @fordnation
— ERdoc (@erdocAA) December 18, 2021
Wicked test! 2 tests with a mandarin and tests positive both of them. Where is the @BCRCMP @BCRCMPMedia to investigate @VCHhealthcare @GovCanHealth @liberal_party @DrBonnieHenry @adriandix @jjhorgan coercion?
— Real Estate Expert (@mikeIng18) December 20, 2021
I have taken a rapid test and tested positive for #COVID19. Following public health guidelines, I am in isolation and will continue my work virtually, as I have been for a number of days, until I get the results of my PCR test. 1/3
— Mélanie Joly (@melaniejoly) December 20, 2021
Sorry to hear that, Mélanie. Hope you’re feeling okay – and please, take care of yourself.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) December 20, 2021
12/20: The only number in Ontario that means anything right now
% of Cases Admitted to ICU
again to just 0.25%
This is a 75%+ drop from just a month ago
This is all the media should talk about
All politicians should talk about
This is all that matters right now
— Rob Hunter (@robfoot) December 20, 2021
There are no substantive reasons for lockdowns or school closures right now (or ever), besides fear.
Omicron is a toothless cat.
Given the immense societal cost, a responsible government would resist the urge to lockdown, and would instead choose to put covid behind us.
— golden pup (@Golden_Pup) December 20, 2021
Maybe we panicked when we copied China. And maybe that was excusable then. Maybe. But it's not excusable at all any longer.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 21, 2021
Politicians shouldn’t have the power to impose lockdowns and restrictions. They’ve completely overstepped and are dictating & ruling over the public rather than acting as public servants.
— Spencer Fernando
(@SpencerFernando) December 21, 2021
We can't keep being held hostage every winter by the inability of hospital administrators to properly allocate resources, cut administrative bureaucracy, and make human resources decisions that involve properly staffing the frontline instead of terminating workers on it.
— Ryan O'Connor (@rpoconnor) December 21, 2021
Rifuckingdiculous @JustinTrudeau @fordnation like seriously WTF!!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE
— jimmy
(@JFN1971) December 21, 2021
If we can’t live freely when the population is vaccinated and boostered, then when can we?, asks @FraserMyers
— spiked (@spikedonline) December 21, 2021
“Given the rapidly shifting backdrop, clarity and transparency on specific metrics that inform the government’s decision to impose or ease restrictions are paramount for business confidence and continuity”
— Shakiba Shayani (@shakiba_s) December 20, 2021
CFIB is doing the same thing.
And remember, it was the Toronto Region Board of Trade that was the first official organization to call for vaccine passports. And somehow nobody is blaming them for their failure.
— Road & Bridge Guy (@MTHargoe) December 21, 2021
"A temporary tool that we won't use for a day longer than we have to"
Your VaxPass has already proven to be useless. It's time to #DropTheVaxPass, @fordnation
— Chris (@ChrisNeverQuits) December 20, 2021
The @CFIB and @RestaurantsCA today issued a joint open letter to all Premiers urging them to provide financial support to small businesses facing renewed lockdowns, restrictions and loss of business. Read our full statement here:
— Restaurants Canada (@RestaurantsCA) December 21, 2021
I believe so, yes.
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) December 21, 2021
Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his family can’t get into their own home due to anti-vaccination protests outside, a spokesperson says
— CTV Toronto (@CTVToronto) December 21, 2021
it is perfectly rational to question the trajectory of the COVID mandates. What is the end point? How much longer can this go on? What are the metrics that we should be aspiring to reach in order to live as free individuals again? No RATIONAL, MATURE, HONEST interlocutor
— Gad Saad (@GadSaad) December 20, 2021
The independent journalist Alex Berenson has filed a federal lawsuit against Twitter challenging his ban from the service over a tweet questioning the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.
— Andrew Bostom, MD, MS (@andrewbostom) December 20, 2021
The fact that Covid is decimating the NFL when several vaccines are widely available & the league is nearly 100% vaccinated tells you everything you need to know about the effectiveness of the experimental vaccines and why it absolutely makes sense to wait for further testing.
— Trent Steele, Liberty Dad (@SteeleDaddy) December 21, 2021
In other words, your product failed.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 21, 2021
Two block lineup for 18+ #COVIDBooster outside Landsdowne stadium in Ottawa.
— Holly Doan (@hollyanndoan) December 20, 2021
810 – The Unvaccinated Are Not A Threat To Society, They’re a Threat To Authority
Me on Rumble on Odyssey on Bitchute on Twitch on Periscope and More! Song Based on Twitter
Podcast Am I?
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism
#cdnPoli, #cadPoli, #LPC, #CPC, #PPC