1018 Canada’s Green Road to Perdition

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

Trudeau’s haircut making international news 46 homes to be built for 53.2 million bucks. 6 houses for seniors. When the wealthiest, private citizens have control over the money supply then the government is no longer sovereign and cannot operate in the public interest ESG score in Sri Lanka – is a measure of a company’s exposure to long-term environmental, social, and …

1015 – Problem, Reaction, Solution.

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

How much would it cost our government if the interest rate rose 1% How much can interest rates rise before Canadians can’t pay their commitments? USMCA provisions for c-11? Therepudic? 1 in 5000 myocarditis? Very small? Me on Telegram https://t.me/realCanadaPoli Me on Rumble https://rumble.com/user/CanadaPoli Me on Odyssey https://odysee.com/@CanadaPoli:f Me on Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/l55JBxrgT3Hf/ Me on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/canadapoli Headlines and More! https://canadareport.co/ …

1014 Accountability At a Time Like This! How Dare You! This is a (self made) CRISIS!

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

<iframe id=”odysee-iframe” width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://odysee.com/$/embed/1014-Accountability-At-a-Time-Like-This!-How-Dare-You!-This-is-a-%28self-made%29-CRISIS!/6539072a8a8d257abc1ca9baa789a2a161d7860c?r=4pJiQXxbJ3sh6HjwdXTrZ3t5giWAHck2″ allowfullscreen></iframe>   Snap election – cost of living crisis? Food prices explode Patrick brown investigated BMW to have heated seat subscription .75 jump in interest rates Trans ideology is nothing but damaging and should be ignored and removed from society   Error happened.

1013 Canadian Pravda

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

Roman Baber talks about the lies of the Canadian media International media – “occupied government.” “Our government also a puppet” Alberta day! Via rail strike Canada’s worst companies as chosen by this random twiter poll Error happened.

1011 We Need To Get Rid Of Idiot Politicians and Unleash Canadian Innovation

CanadaPoliCanada Politics

QE lead to Sri Lanka’s collapse. Here’s the proof Dutch farmers and Canadian truckers Looks like Rogers botched an update according to cloudflare Trudeau called a dirty communist by protesters Vaccine safety signals ignored Me on Telegram https://t.me/realCanadaPoli Me on Rumble https://rumble.com/user/CanadaPoli Me on Odyssey https://odysee.com/@CanadaPoli:f Me on Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/l55JBxrgT3Hf/ Me on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/canadapoli Headlines and More! https://canadareport.co/ Intro Song …