Error happened.
KTT 106
Error happened.
1694 Spies and Treason and Gag Orders in Canada
Spies and Treason in Canada – Holy big story batman! Faucci on the hot seat, Gagged PBO regarding the carbon tax, Language requirements “onerous” ? so they have to be changed, Farage is back in control of a political party, 8111Error happened.
ktt 106
2Error happened.
KTT 104 – Bye Discord
2Error happened.
1684 Everything Keeps Getting More Strange
Raw milk infected by bird flu? Sure, Ongoing invasion of the west continues, US wants to know about the winnipeg lab and calls out Trudeau on freezing bank accounts, Premier Higgs is taking aim at gender ideology, Humbolt driver to be deported Kevin Vuong wants to cross the floor Sign Up for the Full Show Locals (daily video) Spotify …
Just Overtly Evil – KTT 103
Error happened.
1661 Invasion
Tik tok ban started in US, New Guinea takes offense at the term cannibal Canada trying to lure new grocery store chains while French forces arriving in Ukraine, Furries at school, New social media / bot campaign has been started Trudeau’s ministers suddenly care about the pro-palestine protests, suddenly calling them out instead of ignoring them, 262Error happened.
ktt 101
1Error happened.
KTT 100
2Error happened.