KTT 127

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Daily Show Paid, KTT 3 Comments


Comments 3

  1. I was listening to kitchen table talk, while working in my shop, and when that was finished, some woman comes on and starts yapping about American politics, on what is called The Wendy Bell Show???

  2. Sorry, I can’t remember who mentioned it but one of the guys was talking about Stephen Harper and his temporary foreign worker policy. Something I discovered the other day, did you know that temporary migrant workers are eligible for up to 45 weeks of unemployment insurance? A bit of an oxymoron don’t you think? Unemployment insurance for temporary workers because we desperately need their labor? WTF? If there’s no work then GO THE F HOME instead of competing with Canadians for work!!😡🤬🤬
    And so you know, I do not blame the migrant workers, I 1000% blame the idiotic government policy.


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