Michelle Rempel Talks Global Compact on Migration and Other Immigration

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Canadian Immigration, Illegal border crossers, People's Party of Canada, PPC

Supporting Links Hungary Rempel :23 – 3 issues people have been emailing about 1:33 – 2 min first order of responsibility of the canadian government is to bring these people to justice? Really what the hell is the canadian government’s job according to you, Michelle? Isn’t the government’s responsibility to the safety of their population? 5:01 – CPC Canada is …

Maxime Bernier Tweet Roundup October 21 2018

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Maxime Bernier, PPC

Supporting Links Faith Goldy’s Google Ads Shut Down https://twitter.com/FaithGoldy/status/1053834260640079873 Left and Right in Canada https://twitter.com/Librepenseur/status/1053463429929885696 Police should protect citizens Our laws and police forces should protect peaceful citizens against criminals, not harass them when they try to defend themselves. Nos lois et forces policières devraient protéger les citoyens pacifiques contre les criminels, non les harceler lorsqu’ils tentent de se défendre. …

Useful Idiots, Canadian Spending and Doug Ford Saves Canada (or at least helps Ontario?)

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Canadian Immigration, Provincial Politics

Supporting Links Useful Idiots https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DpyaX4vVsAAEs6K.jpg Ottawa Spending Breaches 300 B https://business.financialpost.com/news/economy/ottawas-annual-spending-breaches-300-billion-for-first-time-pushing-up-canadas-debt-ratio Tory with Muslim Lobby in TO First its @Jen_Keesmaat in Hijab with Mullahs. Then it's @JohnTory embracing the ugly Sharia law lobby in Toronto. Y is brown-nosing Islamists OK when u blacklist @FaithGoldy? Mayor Tory u embrace polygamists but spit on anti-Islamists. What a disgrace. #TOpoli #TorontoElections pic.twitter.com/2NQzZHaear — …

CRTC Response, Arabic Second Biggest Language in Win-Dee-Zor? And More!

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Toronto Politics

Supporting Links Italy fights back! Italy Fights Back! "If there are people who have money, houses, or land in their home counties, WHY should we give them services for free, while Italians pay for everything? Enough, the gravy train is finished. This is not racism, it is justice 7 good sense" – PM Matteo Salvini pic.twitter.com/QZIOybWlsG — Amy Mek (@AmyMek) …

The Global Compact on Refugees – A Look at The First 17 Pages

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Canadian Immigration, Illegal border crossers

Supporting Links Cost – Yello P. 1 – The gap between needs and funding has widened. Why Canada will lead the charge on the UN’s global refugee plan Trump on Refugees https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/09/22/president-trumps-claim-that-10-refugees-overseas-cost-as-much-as-one-in-the-u-s/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e63835f4b52 Can’t have it both ways! On cost! Why aren’t these frontline countries, who share the religion and culture of their neighbour, lining up to get that 63 billion …

Freeland Lays Down On Trudeau’s Floor? Murdoch Mysteries WAY better than Municipal Election & More!

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Toronto Politics

Supporting Links Arg! I forgot to turn up my mic! I did just now. It will be fixed next video. Freeland Lays on Trudeu’s Floor https://business.financialpost.com/news/economy/foreign-affairs-minister-laid-down-in-pms-office-after-usmca-was-inked Vice Admiral Mark Norman Trudeau changes tune on Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, refuses to comment on documents https://t.co/8OqFtLFyYr #cdnpoli — Lorrie Goldstein (@sunlorrie) October 18, 2018 You Godda Have Murdoch Mysteries? https://twitter.com/FaithGoldy/status/1052727800820625409 Torcan Sunny Days…. …

CPC Majority (If Election today), Faith’s Lawsuit Tossed out & How Much do you Trust John Tory?

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Toronto Politics

Supporting Links SunLorrie New Forum Poll says federal Conservatives would win a majority government if an election was held today: Tories 41%, Liberals 32%, NDP 15%, Greens 7%, BQ 4% (Quebec only), 1,226 randomly selected Canadian voters polled Oct. 7 to 10, margin of error +/- 3%. #cdnpoli — Lorrie Goldstein (@sunlorrie) October 17, 2018 Forum Poll http://poll.forumresearch.com/post/2881/untitled-post/ Faith Goldy …

CRTC Complaint Process, Private Racist Consultations by Ottawa and More!

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, CRTC, Toronto Politics

Supporting Documents CRTC Complaint Website https://applications.crtc.gc.ca/question/eng/public-inquiries-form?t=5 Private Meetings on Immigration https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-ottawa-holds-consultations-on-racism-behind-closed-doors/ Straws! But wait, we aren’t polluting the ocean with plastic? What!? https://i.redd.it/y0jub3uyhfs11.jpg Woman banned from side of bus The definition of “woman” was banned from the sides of buses in Edinburgh over fears it could offend trans people https://t.co/u2joDPSyC7 — The Times and The Sunday Times (@thetimes) October 11, …

Faith Goldy’s Ads Being Dropped By @Rogers Media + Maxime Bernier Tweets

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Toronto Politics

  Supporting Links My Website: home Faith’s Ads Banned by Rogers https://twitter.com/FaithGoldy/status/1051665913471221761 Faith in McDonalds https://twitter.com/FaithGoldy/status/1051824318198493184 Faith CRUSHES this (totally biased and not at all scientific poll https://twitter.com/joe_warmington/status/1051592453390774273 Maxime Bernier on what he offers all Canadians And here is what I offer Canadians who happen to have immigrated from India, and all other Canadians: smaller gov, no more pandering to …

Asylum Seekers Get Voter Registration Cards and Badass Commercial for a Small Congressional Race

CanadaPoliCanada Politics, Canadian Immigration, Illegal border crossers

Supporting Links Churchill Quote https://wellsbaum.blog/2017/02/25/winston-churchill-on-the-importance-of-a-free-press/ Badass Commercial Malcom Article – Asylum seeker not eligible to vote gets voter registration card https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/malcolm-asylum-seeker-not-eligible-to-vote-receives-voter-registration-card Malcom Tweets This is so weird. Why is Elections Canada promoting, and even defending, a proposed Liberal bill? https://t.co/LvbmP6kTtd — Candice Malcolm (@CandiceMalcolm) October 11, 2018 Elections Canada Tweets Bill C-76, currently before Parliament, would allow the voter information …